Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Sixties Show Southside Grille Yorktown Heights, NY Sold Out

The Sixties Show again sold out another venue this past Friday November 19th. The place was a mob scene, packed to the rafters! As many of the fans of the band can attest to, each performance of the Sixties Show usually becomes sold out by set time.

The Southside Grille in Yorktown Heights, NY was jam packed to capacity with fans by set time at 10:00 pm. The club unfortunately was turning patrons away to due fire code capacity regulations. We apologize to anyone that showed up and was not able to get in.

When The Sixties Show performs any free or general admission shows such as this most recent one at the Southside Grille we recommend anyone wanting to see the band trying to arrive earlier to insure admission to the venue.

We hope you see all of you again that attended our show or anyone that was not able to get in.